A quest for the source of developments in life expectancy

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Life expectancy has changed substantially over the past few decades, and different causes of death have contributed to these changes. In this article, we investigate to what extent different causes of death have contributed to changes in period life expectancy. 

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This article was published in the magazine De Actuaris of the Royal Dutch Actuarial Association, volume October 2023.

Click here to read the article (in Dutch). 


Frank van Berkum: researcher at the Research Centre for Longevity Risk and the Actuarial Sciences and Mathematical Finance Research Group at the University of Amsterdam; member of the CSO (the committee for mortality research of the Royal Dutch Actuarial Association), senior manager at PwC Risk Modelling Services.

Kaj Hoogervorst: consultant at PwC Risk Modelling Services.



Cause-of-death, period life expectancy, decomposition


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

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