Gompertz 200. Celebrating Two Centuries of Longevity Research

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EAJ Research Centre for Longevity Risk

Special Issue

Call for papers below

May 22 and 23, 2025, Amsterdam

The IFID Centre and RCLR are organising a conference to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the publication of Benjamin Gompertz’s seminal paper “On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality, and on a new mode of determining the value of life contingencies. In a letter to Francis Baily, Esq. F. R. S. &c”.  

In his ground breaking paper Benjamin Gompertz established what is widely regarded as the first statistical model for human mortality rates. Over the past 200 years, research on longevity and survival analysis have progressed beyond the empirical analysis of individual life tables. Nevertheless, the Gompertz law still serves as a benchmark and starting point for new models, has been extended in several ways and is taught in classes on Survival Analysis in many university programmes. 

The Research Centre for Longevity Risk welcomes you to Amsterdam to celebrate the 200th anniversary of this remarkable paper. In addition to our line-up of distinguished speakers, we welcome contributed talks on research related to statistical models for human mortality, other areas of survival models where the Gompertz law has been applied, and research on the history of demography and actuarial science. We aim to provide a platform that allows interaction between those interested in the statistical aspects of longevity and demographic change with researchers from other fields related to the history and study of survival models. 

You can read more about the conference via this LINK.

Call for papers and registration information can be found below.


Call for papers

The Organising Committee is inviting interested parties from academia and industry to submit abstracts for presentations on a wide range of topics related to mortality modelling, the Gompertz model, and its applications and extensions. We particularly encourage submissions related to modelling human and non-human mortality, reliability theory, applications of mortality models in academia and industry, and other areas where the Gompertz model had a significant impact.

All submissions will go through a standard reviewing process. Authors of accepted presentations are invited to present their results in person at the conference. A full paper is not required for presentations.

Please submit your abstract for consideration via this LINK.

Special Issue of the European Actuarial Journal

The conference is accompanied by a special issue of the European Actuarial Journal. Presenters at the conference are invited to submit a full paper to EAJ for inclusion in the special issue. All papers submitted for the special issue will go through the standard EAJ reviewing process.

Submission Process and Deadlines

Deadline for abstract submissions: 15 January 2025

Decision of acceptance: 31 January 2025

The online submission system will become available soon.

Registration deadlines

You can register for the conference via this LINK.

Early bird registration: 28 February 2025


Organising Committee: Torsten Kleinow, Moshe Milevsky, Andrew Cairns, Katrien Antonio, Michelle Vellekoop and Mike Mansfield

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